Friday, May 31, 2013

Student Loans

Unless one finds college scholarship, student loans have been the primary source of funds to pay for a good college education.  Thus, we often hear stories of people working hard to pay off their student loans years after they already graduated from college. Paying off student loans is quite challenging for many students. Just when they thought they have triumph the hurdles of getting a degree, there is a real challenge facing them with the struggle to pay off the student loans.  Student loans have been the reality in America and one might wonder if it is a never-ending cycle.

For people to be able to afford a college education without having to rely on student loans, the economy needs to grow in such a level that allows people to have more opportunities to earn more. Another option is for the government to expand their support for education and not concentrate on student loans but through more extensive scholarship programs, grants to universities and other mechanisms that will allow better access to education. It is expected that with good economic measures, there will be a decrease on the dependency on student loans. A good economy allows economic growth. When that time comes, student loans will be a thing of the past.  There should better innovations that can ignite the growth in the economy with job opportunities for many people.  Job opportunities, not student loans, can help economic growth.

Having to worry about student loans and completing a college degree are burdens. There are better ways of getting that college degree without resorting to student loans.  Such is the vision for Win3Usa. Win3Usa sees the problems with student loans.  Instead, other opportunities are explore. Each one of us has a role to play in fueling economic opportunities.  When people work collectively towards a vision, the success rate is higher.  To learn more interesting ideas and strategic plans, check out for more details.

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