Monday, February 28, 2011


Most businesses have heard the expression "SaaS" but what does it stand for? Most importantly what does it mean? To answer the first question SaaS stands for "Software-as-a-Service". So we know what it stands for, now what does SaaS actually mean? To put it simply SaaS is basically software deployed over the internet and/or deployed to run behind a firewall on a local area network or personal computer. Alright, we know what SaaS stands for and what it means. But what's the point of using SaaS? Well, some advantages of using SaaS for your business or even personal computer are:
  1. SaaS is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection
  2. There is no local server installation
  3. You can pay per use or subscription based payment methods
  4. You get rapid scalability
  5. System maintenance is often included in the service
  6. Reliability
  7. Reduced time to market
SaaS has become a common model for many business applications, if you want to use Software-as-a-Service then go to

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mens High Heels

"Mens high  heels", three words not often spoken in the same sentence, much less spoken by men themselves. Some probably thinking " women wear high heels, NOT men." And that right there is completely fakse, because mens high heels do exist! Men all over the world are wearing a version of mens high heels, but you'd never know by just looking at them. For increasing thats the whole point of mens high heels. They're meant to increase a mans height, but they dont look like high heels, so only he knows he's getting a little height help, not to mention a free confidence boost with every step. The point is, mens high heels do exist and they are nothing to be ashamed of, they were created to help men feel better about themselves. So men, go ahead and say those three words, "mens high heels" and know they're here to not only make your height increase, but make your confidence increase as well.